13th Anniversary of Chequamegon Bay Birding & Nature Festival -- 3 days of birding and nature activities on Wisconsin's south shore of Lake Superior at the peak of spring migration.
With over 100 field trips and programs on all things nature, such as birds, butterflies, wildflowers, snails, spiders, elk, frogs, fish, and mushrooms. We also have birding by bicycle, kayaking trips, Apostle Islands cruises, Loon Pontoon, live birds, mammal tracking, and more. New this year Extreme Weather theme with associated field trips, including a drone demo; our first geology field trip; smartphone birding, program on purple martins, several field trips on finding and preparing wild edibles. Our bird fest has renowned speakers and trip leaders, such as Ruth Oppedahl (Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin), Adrian Wydeven (Timber Wolf Alliance), Tracy Hames (Wisconsin Wetlands Association), and local birding experts Ryan Brady, Nick Anich, Tim Oksiuta, Dick Verch, David Bratley, and more and the Birdchick as our keynote speaker.