A goldfinch finally!!

For the record I live in the Uptown area of Minneapolis on a second floor apartment on a busy street. The trendy place to eat, get tattooed and pierced, have hair color not found in nature. My only feeders are off my bedroom window (the only place I'm allowed to have them anymore). I get surprisingly interesting birds at my feeder especially during migration. Two unexpected birds were a female Baltimore oriole and male rose-breasted grosbeak. The bane of my feeder list has been an American goldfinch. I have on occasion seen them merely a block from my house feeding on petunias that have gone to seed. I know they nest in the cemetary four blocks away, but never have I had even one at my feeder...until now. It's an ornery little bird too. A house sparrow just landed and he fluffed up and screeched and the house sparrow flew away. I've seen house finches bully the house sparrows, but never a goldfinch. Doh, he just flew away. Well, at least I know the goldfinches are aware of my existence at the feeder. It only took six years. It's odd, I got flying squirrels coming to my feeder before I got a goldfinch. Who knew?