So, today at my friend's house I was testing out oodles of bird feeder cameras and recording birds for my segments. At one point I walked past the window and noticed what looked like a blue and yellow chickadee with a white eyebrow on a peanut feeder. I immeadiately thought "british tit" but it was so unlikely that I didn't say it out loud. Instead I yelled for Bill to get the camera while I rushed around to get a video camera. I got a few seconds recorded and it was in fact a blue tit.
The really wierd part about this is that the guy whose house I was staying in is British. I don't think he fully understood how really, really wierd and unlikely this was since he grew up with blue tits and I almost for a second thought, "did someone release this bird to get my goat?"
A quick call to someone from the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union revealed that the chances that this bird actually flew across the Atlantic here are slim to nil and that chances are high this bird is likely the result of a released cage bird but should be documented non the less. I'm going to see if I can get a frame of the blue tit off of the video and post it to the site.