This just showed up on Conservation Through Birding listerv:
I visited this area with my family on June 9. I was very impressed at
the way the town has embraced the tourism opportunity. We bought
t-shirts at two places, one a BBQ spot offering Ivory-billed Hamburgers
and Ivory-billed Salads. Both places were out of Larges, so there must
be some demand. We also saw an Ivory-billed Inn and RV Park, an
Ivory-billed Art Center, and a hair salon that offered Ivory-billed
Haircuts. I'd spent enough on t-shirts, so decided to forgo the haircut
even though my daughters encouraged me to go for one. I wouldn't be
surprised if some locals resent the intrusion, but the local businesses
appear to be pretty interested in woodpeckers right now. A couple of
local homes had signs up offering guide services for canoe trips, too.
There's some very good signage out in the Dagmar Unit, and some really
beautiful campsites (free, too). We stayed in one, and really enjoyed
it. Birds seen/heard from the campsite included Miss. Kite, Pileated,
Prothontary, Yellowthroated and Parula Warblers, Barred Owl, White-eyed
Vireo, etc.
Let's come up with a way to encourage more birders to visit there and
leave a few dollars in local pockets, while seeing some phenomenal
habitat at the same time. Donations to TNC are great, but helping the
local businesses benefit from the bird will help a lot. They are
certainly trying to attract birders. Any ideas?
Jeff Sundberg
Lake Forest College
Lake Forest, IL