Weekend Birds

Even birds sometimes don't look graceful while eating! It almost looks like it's thinking, "I'm so embarassed, I could just die! Ug."

Yesterday I finished draft two of the Urban Birdfeeding book. I used Mr. Neil's gazebo as a quiet place with no distraction to get it finished. However, the birds tried their darndest to keep me from finishing it. There was some kind fight going on between two male and one female rose-breasted grosbeak. Someone gave a few angry chips, another sang a few notes that I'm pretty sure was laced with some bird profanity and it went down hill. At one point the female caught me watching them and then everyone took off in opposite directions.

On my way out to the gazebo, I passed the barn and heard some strange squeaking sounds which at first I thought was from some young wood chucks but turned out to be two young raccoons that had discovered an open plastic bin of bird seed. They were so focused on the food with their butts in the air that they didn't notice me. When the finally did, they tried to look all tough and after I snapped a photo I left them alone. I then made another discovery of a very lazy tree frog sleeping on a stained glass butterfly plant stake.

I ended up partying with LorraineaMalena for the rest of the evening, heading to bed about 12:30am, got up around 5:45am for some fun chat with Ian and Margery on a Balanced Breakfast, and driving back to the Twin Cities. Ian an Margery are so nice, I really appreciate that they help get birds on a regular radio show. It brings birds to an audience that wouldn't normally hear it.

After I finish this entry I have to get ready for work and be there by 10:30am. I'm feeling really good right now, but I have a feeling that around 3:30pm today, my behind is going to be dragging to matter how much water or coffee I drink.