Why I Love Non Birding Bill

So, during the last blog entry I was absent-mindedly playing with my toes while typing and I felt something odd between my toes, I knew right away it was a tick and I FREAKED. You would think that someone in the birding industry would be able to handle ticks, but NO not me. I hate ticks. You know how Indiana Jones felt about snakes, multiply that by about 30 and that's my feeling about ticks. Eww. Anyway, I felt something "tickish" between my toes and just froze. Thank goodness Non Birding Bill came home from play rehearsals within the next five minutes. He noticed my agitated state and I told him that I thought I had a tick and he took care of it. I hate ticks! They just oook me out. I could see twenty severed fingers in one day and be totally okay, but a tick on my toes just makes me incapacitated. I hate ticks---ick! Why, why were they created? Ticks are almost enough to make me give up birding.

That's not really serious, that's just the several shots of scotch talking that NBB gave me to calm me down. Think, happy thoughts...turkey vulture...barfing pelicans...crows eating an eye socket off of a road kill deer...hmmm, that's better.

i hate ticks

i'm probably going to regret this post in the morning

i hate ticks