Birds are moving through the Twin Cities today. When I arrived to work a kettle of turkey vultures were thermalizing above the field behind our strip mall and Periodically, while carrying out bags of seed throughout the day I could see small flocks of blackbirds and swallows heading south. Denny also found a small kettle of hawks over the store when he came back from doing the home delivery route. I keep hoping for exciting sparrows on the NovaBird Camera, but I will have to content myself with this blue jay I photographed today. I've just got to get a Harris sparrow on this camera this fall, I've just got to or I'll just die (that last part should be read in the voice of Jan Brady...because I don't sound geeky enough--oh no avoiding the birdchick mission statement, my universe is collapsing on itself-aaaaaaaaaaaaa).
There's a new blog called Bill of the Birds...not to be confused with Non Birding Bill. It's run by Bill Thompson III of Bird Watcher's Digest. He's a pretty good writer so I'm sure this will be an entertaining blog.