Birdchick Gift Guide...and confession

I had Non Birding Bill help me set up a Gift Guide if you are looking for some ideas for the birder in your life.

I just realized that I forgot to include a couple of items, one being a binocular harness--okay, I know, I know--friends of mine are reading this post and saying to themselves, "Did Sharon just recommend a binocular harness...after making fun of mine for years?!" YES! Yes, I am now wearing a binocular harness, it's sad but true. I can't help it, they make your binoculars so much more comfortable, I was a foolish, foolish girl for poking fun at my friends and saying that they were wearing a "bino bra". For those that don't know, a binocular harness takes the weight of your optics off of your neck and places it on your shoulders--it's really, really comfortable. Anyway, if you know someone who loves their binoculars and they are always complaining about how heavy they are, a harness is a great gift. It fits most binoculars and can be used for cameras as well. The straps are elastic and stretch to fit your needs and body shape.

Another thoughtful and easy small gift is a set of hand warmers. These things are so awesome for gold weather birding. They warm up when exposed to air and can be tucked in gloves and boots. I also have used them tucked along my pant line on my lower back when sitting in a blind to avoid a sore back. These things are a cheap (I've seen them anywhere from $1 - $2 a set) and thoughtful gift for any birder. I've seen them all over from Gander Mountain, Cabela's and even Walgreen's.