I changed my feeder set up again, because the pigeons were constantly activating my motorized baffle, waking me up in the morning. They figured out it takes a couple of seconds to configure weight before it spins and are able to get a few beak fulls of seed before being thrown off. So I tried a few new feeders that I will blog about later, but Non Birding Bill just called from the bedroom, "Hey, when did you install the new hook?" Thinking he meant the feeders, I said, "I put the feeders up yesterday afternoon."
He said, "But when did you get that hook?" I told him that I installed that a few weeks ago, and even did a blog entry about it. Not only that, while I have been travelling the last three weeks he has been filling the feeders and should have noticed. He looked at me like I was nuts.
In other wacky news, I learned that a photo of my search team for the ivory-bill is up at Cornell Lab of Ornithology's site. NBB said I looked like Sigmund the Sea Monster.