Yeah, this is starting off to a strange Monday. I woke up at 6am to Darci from A Balanced Breakfast calling because Ian and Margery wanted to talk about the red-necked stint that is wowing birders in Connecticut...with a little help from Darci and quick brush of my teeth I made it through that segment. I even managed to bring up the possible state record of a slaty-backed gull that we're dealing with here in Minnesota.
Then about a half hour later, Non Birding Bill and I are getting ready for our day and Ian and Margery start lamenting on air that they never do anything wild. Margery announces, "We need Sharon Stiteler the birdchick, she's the wildest person we know. She can help us." And then Ian tells Darci on air, "Darci, get the birdchick, let's find out what's the wildest thing she's done."
NBB and I looked at each other and he said, "No, no, no. Stop what you're thinking right now."
My cell phone rang, it was Darci.
NBB said, "Make something up but don't do tell them anything." He knows me all too well that before a sturdy cup of coffee, confronted with an audience and a challenge to tell the wildest thing I've done could spell trouble.
Did you ever think you would see the day when a popular morning radio show has a birder on air because she is the wildest person they know? The birding times they are a changing.
All this before 7am and a good cup of coffee. Now off to KARE 11.