Albino Hummer in Hudson, WI

Ed Colosky who owns Wild Birds Unlimited in Hudson, WI emailed this:

I thought you might like seeing this bird. One of my customers took this
picture here in Hudson. It's an albino Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Anyway, I
thought it might be of interest.

Have a great day,


For the record, any photos of albinos are always of interest to me, and I love getting them. Hummer migration is just getting underway so if you live in Hudson and south, keep your eye for this little ghost at your nectar feeder. From the email, it looks like this photo was taken last Saturday. Here was a note that came with the photo from Marsha:

It was fighting with a couple of other ruby-throated hummingbirds over the salvias. It took a long rest in the hawthorn after all the flying around. It appears to be an bill and red eye. Really gorgeous to see flying across the prairie.

Sweet photo! Thanks, Ed, and thank Marsha for me too.