
I struggled with a decision the last few days. When I originally registered for the Rio Grande Valley Bird Fest, I must not have been birding for a few days because I signed up for as many field trips as I could schedule. When I arrived and looked over my schedule, I saw that I had registered for a trip that was to last 11 hours to get a rare bird called a white-collared seedeater. I thought to myself, "Do I really have an 11 hour bird trip in me? One that has a two and a half hour drive out there and the same on the drive back?


I worried that this was a sign that I had reached my birding threshold. Did this reluctance for the trip mean that I'm getting "too old" for that kind of birding? Was I loosing my edge? I tried to justify that the trip wouldn't have been that great for bird photos for the blog and not a very interesting entry. I exchanged the 11 hour trip for a bird banding demonstration instead, still wondering if that was the cool thing to do. Here is the answer:

Oh yeah, I made the right decision. More dazzling photos coming within the next two days.