It's Official: I'm Not Porn!

This very nice email showed up in the comments section from the post regarding my site being categorized as pornography:

As a SonicWALL employee, I apologize for the improper categorization of your site. We strive for accuracy, and your feedback helps us toward that goal. Your rating review requests should be processed within a few days. Please send an email to if this is not corrected within that time.

Joe Levy

What a nice email and I honestly didn't expect a result this soon. Thank you so much to all who sent in a request to SonicWALL and thanks, Joe, for taking the time to leave a comment.

I don't know if I'll be getting much birding done today outside of filling all of my feeders. Weather forecasters are predicting "the big one" this weekend. I was going to go banding this morning but my car has been making that screeching noise that means, "Yo, woman, replace my breaks NOW!" Responsibility calls, I need to get that taken care of before the snow starts tonight.

Sometimes it's such a bummer being a grownup.