Hey, We Did Some Good!

Sometimes you see things on the Internet requesting clicks or money or whatever, but you never hear the results. Well, I'm happy to report that we were all part of something good and we did make a difference. Remember the Click for Condors? Here is a note from the folks at Ventana Wildlife Society:

Fantastic news! Your rabid clicking for the condors helped us win!! We got the $5,000 grant from Patagonia, which was turned over officially to us on Saturday, plus a matching $5,000 grant from Nepenthe. Thanks to you, VWS was rewarded $10,000, which will go to support our Species Recovery program and our work with the California Condors. Thank you all so much for your help, and for passing my message on to so many friends and family. We blew the competition out of the water, ending up with 18,000+ votes, which was something like 60% of the total.

And now, here is an official thank you from our Executive Director, Kelly Sorenson:

"This recent online vote was eye opening to us. What was so amazing is that we are able to reach thousands of people in such a short period of time. This online vote was fun and I know for some of you it became an obsession. We are committed to sharing with you interesting stories, news and updates and other activities like this recent vote on things that are important to our mission. One of the reasons why we were so successful in this vote was because of email. Please take a moment and forward this message of thanks to anyone that you asked for help during the vote and invite them to join our free email subscriber list. All they have to do is click here to subscribe. Anyone can unsubscribe at anytime but I promise to make it as fun and interesting as possible while furthering our mission of conserving native wildlife and their habitats. Together, we can create hope for people and wildlife. Thank you again for your support." If you had fun helping us out and you want to join our e-mail list, you can do that by clicking the link above. But don't feel obligated: your help was just what we needed. And as Kelly said, please forward this thank you e-mail to anyone you passed my original plea to, because I want to make sure everyone knows how much this meant to me, to Ventana Wildlife Society, and to the birds! I have also attached a thank you in the form of a laboriously crafted mini-comic starring our avian overlord, the King of the Bushtits. Oh, and a condor.

So, readers, if you did any clicking, pat yourself on the back, that you indeed helped a group reintroducing condors get $10,000. If you live near either of the business, make sure to let them know you appreciated their support of VWS. Great job, everyone. It's nice to see when we can make a difference.