Learn Your Brown Birds!

Anyone up for a sparrow workshop? My buddy Doug Buri who does a great shorebird workshop is offering one for sparrows in October:

Join Doug and Bob Janssen October 3, 4, and 5 on the prairies of eastern South Dakota and western Minnesota for one of the best focused sparrow workshops ever. October is the absolute best time to find and study both resident and migrant sparrows. The weather is usually crisp and clear and the birds are coming through in droves heading south. We have a good potential for 16 species of sparrows over the weekend workshop; including LeConte's Sparrow and Smith's Longspur. As an added bonus, we will be in the right location and time for height of raptor migration as well as late migrant shorebirds.

It will be three days of some of the most intense and enjoyable birding you will ever experience. We have a maximum group size limit of 10 people per guide on field trips. Prepare to spend long hours in the field combined with lots of classroom instruction.

Go here for more details.