Across the pond, Bird Guides has been up to some really cool stuff. One is the first in a video series called "My Local Patch" series featuring different bird watchers and their favorite birding site (the outdoor kind, not the web):
I also found a really interesting and disturbing video on their channel that's up there with the heron vs rabbit photos: it's a video of a grey heron vs a starling. I'm just putting the link to the video, it has a kind of happy ending (depending on your point of view towards starlings) but this video is certainly not for everyone. Incroyable--as the French might say.
Also, in my recent rants about the lack of bird field guides available for iPhones and iPod Touches, Bird Guides sent me a sample of their guides for the iTouch. Before I had a chance to really play with it, Non Birding Bill did a review of it for a site he works for called Appletell. What the heck is the world coming to when NBB is doing bird product reviews?! Anyway, Bird Guides offers video guides (currenty of British birds) but I love the idea of video and photos in a field guide. There are definetly birds that have certain behaviors and postures that cannot be illustrated in a standard field guide. I'll probably do a video review on these guides withing the next few days...that is if Non Birding Bill doesn't beat me to it.