Bee Update

I kind of put my nose to the grind stone the last week and finished off a draft of the book and now I am dying to get out and watch some birds!  I'm hoping to do a bit of that on Wednesday.  In the mean time, we are getting things ready for the fast approaching bee season.  Our final living hive, the Kelli hive, has unfortunately succombed.  From the looks of things, she had moisture build up and that's what killed the hive. In the meantime, Lorraine has been extracting the honey from the dead hive and forced that nice folk singer, Jason Webley to aid in the extraction. Thanks to all who offered advice regarding Russian bees, we now have three packages on order, which brings our coming hive total to 7.  Yikes!  This year's Hive names are: Wendy, Juliet, Hannah, Yvaine, Magda, Svetlana, & Bea Arthur.