Olivia Bouler aka Awesomesauce

So as news of BP's shadiness continues as more oiled birds and other wildlife are found and BP is wasting money on their web image instead of investing it in the Gulf spill oil cleanup, we get news of one tremendous girl:  Olivia Bouler--fighting the stereotype of kids only being interested in the indoors and video games with her mighty box of crayons and artistic talent: Olivia Bouler who is 11 years old has raised $60,000 by sending her sketches and paintings of birds to people who donate to organizations helping protect the Gulf Coast from the massive oil slick.

"It's very time consuming," said Bouler, "but everything's for the birds."

The fifth-grader will send an illustration to those who donate to The Audubon Society, The Sierra Club, The Weeks Bay Foundation, The Mobile Bay Estuary Program or The National Wildlife Fund.   Due to high demand, the limit is 500 sketches.

Word of Olivia's dedication and selfless act has taken the internet by storm and she's been on CNN, had a Facebook fan page and has partnered up with Yahoo.

Here's another awesome quote from Bouler, “I’m no James Audubon, but I can draw.”

Psst, Olivia, your drawings are more accurate than Audubon--trust me. Here's Audubon's great blue heron:

And now here is Bouler's great blue heron:

Bouler's heron is in a natural position!  Looks good to me!  So, support our young birding friend, fan her on Facebook, donate money in her name and please, no one buy her a birding vest--let's spare her that.

That is a kid grabbing life by horns and channeling her talents to help with tragedy.  Go, Olivia, I hope I get the honor of meeting you one day.