Get Paid To Tweet & Comment As A Birder

Well, now here is an interesting job opening for someone willing to Tweet and comment on bird blogs and birding forums as a birding retail website: Do you love to go birding? Are you familiar with different bird species? Are you a social media junkie? Do you know how to use facebook, twitter, and post information in discussion forums? Well, why not get paid for it! is an e-commerce store that sells backyard birding supplies. We specialize in selling bird houses, bird feeders, bird baths, and other birding accessories. We are interested in hiring an Ornithology student to help us with our online social media efforts. We want to help people find the answers to their questions. We want to be internet stewards and provide useful and accurate information wherever possible.

Tasks would include:

1. Post 3 to 5 comments on 4 bird-related forums per day. These include, Birder’s World Magazine, Surfbirds, and Bird Photographers.

2. Answer two bird-related questions on Yahoo Answers each day. We will provide the username/password and each post will need to link back to our website.

3. Write two 350-400 word articles per week about a birding topic, such as: bird feeding, attracting birds, bird identification, birding during the different seasons of the year, etc. These articles will need to be completely original, informative, and accurate.

4. Comment on 5 bird-related blogs per day. If possible link back to our website in your comment if it makes sense to do so. 5. Be open to additional tasks as needed. This is a work-from-home part-time position paying $8 per hour to search the internet and talk about a topic that excites you!

We will provide you with all of the information you need to complete the tasks above. Please send us an email explaining your background in bird watching and why you are perfect for this position. If you have any social networking accounts (such as facebook or twitter) or if you maintain a blog that you would like us to review, please include these in your email. Contact: CHANTELLE SIMOES.