Mississippi Birds to Beers Event @MerlinsRest

I am so excited about this event!

I have organized an event for my park called the Mississippi National River and Recration Area at Merlin's Rest on September 11, 2010 from 2pm - 4pm.  You can come for the whole thing or just part of it.  It's going to be a great way to get to know others interested in enjoying the outdoors in the Twin Cities as well as learn the History of Beer along the Mississippi River (my boss, Ranger Dan is doing this and he is HILARIOUS--really a good program giver and knows his beer).  Rangers will also be on hand to answer questions about boating, fishing, birding, biking or whatever you'd like in the park and you can enjoy the fun atmosphere at Merlin's Rest.

I'm very excited that we will have a special Mississippi River themed pub quiz to round out the event!  Perhaps I'll bring some of our award winning honey along as a prize for the winners?

Here is the tentative schedule--which may change slightly as we may have a few surprises.

2:00 pm Arrive for fun, get a beer

2:15 pm Opening Remarks from MNRRA Superintendent Paul Labovitz

2:25 pm Movie: Mississippi National River & Recreation Area

2:45 pm Ranger Dan's History of Beer on the Mississippi River

Break for mingling

4pm Mississippi River Pub Quiz!

Here is the Facebook Page for the event which will also have the most recent updates on the events.  Tell your friends and join the event.