Don't forget that Saturday afternoon from 2pm - 4pm we will have our Mississippi Birds to Beers Event at Merlins Rest. We'll show our park movie and Ranger Dan will give his program on a History of Beer along the Missisippi River through the Twin Cities. We'll round it out with a Mississippi River themed pub quiz (that will start approximately 4pm) with fun National Park prizes. Heck, I think I might even throw in a jar of honey to the prize mix. The schedule so far:
2:00 pm Arrive for fun, get a beer hear some brew songs courtesy of the singing group DDT (Drunken Druid Trio)
2:15 pm Opening Remarks from MNRRA Superintendent Paul Labovitz
2:25 pm Movie: Mississippi National River & Recreation Area
2:45 pm Ranger Dan’s History of Beer on the Mississippi River
Break for mingling
4pm Mississippi River Pub Quiz!
Hope to see you there--it's chance to see me in ranger uniform. Rangers will be milling about ready to answer your questions about the National Park in the Twin Cities: Mississippi National River and Recreation Area. Here's our Facebook page.