So, what does a bacon framed photo of the Golden Girls playing Dungeons and Dragons with Wil Wheaton have to do with anything. It serves as a reminder that tonight is the final night to see Non Birding Bill and me in the Golden Girls Christmas Carol at the Bryant Lake Bowl.
This is also a heads up that there is a Birds and Beers this week on Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 6pm at Merlins Rest. We can discuss the snow, the birds, the Ross's gulls popping up all over the US or the upcoming Christmas Bird Counts.
Speaking of CBCs, WildBird on the Fly had a very interesting post about alerting communities that those freaky people with optics in your neighborhood may not be casing your joint, but counting birds. It's a good idea. May be too late for this year, but for the future, consider writing letters to the editor of local papers warning about the counts.