You were warned by the title. First up, James Currie the host of Birding Adventures got a show on National Geographic. Rather than playing it safe, he went with falconry for a topic. I admire his balls on this and as someone who enjoys falconry (and went just this past Tuesday) I applaud him. You should check it out, falconry is generally misunderstood in the birding community and it's a wonderful way to learn raptor id (if a falconer ever invites you out, say yes). You can get a taste of Mr. Currie he the hottest birding tv host we've ever seen: discuss!!
Aerial Assassins premieres Friday, January 20th at 10pm EST. It will re-air Saturday, January 21st at 1am EST and Friday, January 27th at 3pm EST
Now for the hilarity:
A piece of advice. If you have an iPhone...maybe don't use it to send your birding report to your local birding listserv as some poor woman learned with a roadrunner report to Colorado's list.
Crows start more stuff than Exlaxx.
Bird Watching Magazine (the UK version not the formerly named Birder's World) is offering a contest for a luxury birding trip to Scotland...can one have luxury and Scotland at the same time?
Busch Garden's has a new animal care facility. Watch a flamingo get laser surgery!
Canopy Tower is having a last minute special for February, it's well worth it if you are looking for a mid winter break. I've been there and if I didn't have other plans for New York, I'd be going.