Goshawks are being studied for unmanned aerial vehicles. I love me some accipiters but they do have a tendency to fly into windows...
Audubon is the most expensive field guide ever? Speaking of field guides, David Sibley now has an official Facebook Page.
A really cool photo of snowy owls...is it doctored? Or is that a full on parliament of owls?
Oh BBC you give us David Attenborough, Bill Oddie and...this guy? Really BBC? A new age philosopher and jazz musician on why birds sing? The upside is the oh so awesome Don Kroodsma giving our artistic dude a scientific smack down. Man, our sensitive new age guy is sure adding a new argument to the whole playing taped calls around birds debate. If you can make it longer than 2 minutes in without throwing up a little bit in your mouth...you're a stronger person than me.