Birdchick Podcast: #103 Migration, Birding Ettiquette,

Cornell wants you to vote on the names for the male hawk on their live cam. I'd encourage you to write in a name. BirdsEyeLog finally came out with their app for iPhone that allows you enter bird sightings in the field. It's currently only $9.99 but will go up to $14.99 soon, get it now. It's also available for Android.

Are you seeing hummingbirds, the internet thinks it's up for debate.

Speaking of controversy...The American Birding Association is going all Exlax by starting to some stuff and discussing app and phone etiquette in the field.

There's a salmonella alert going on in Oregon, an excellent remind to one and all to clean your bird feeders!

Dueling press releases! The Department of the Interior has released new voluntary guidelines for wind farm developers to minimize the chance of killing birds. National Audubon Society says, yay while the American Bird Conservancy says boo.  Can't we meet in the middle somehow?

It's that special time of year when male birds fight their reflections. There's no easy solution to this apart from covering up the offending window (on the outside) for a few days.