Crossley Contest Winner

I love all of you.  When I send out a challenge, you try your best.  I wish I could give away a Crossley Guide: Raptors to everyone, but alas, like the immortal Highlander, there can be only one. So, I present my favorite and the overall winner of the Crossley Contest (see the original plates here)  and have posted a few honorable mentions afterwards: gos kitundu


It was tough because everybody got creative.  But I think this is my favorite. Congratulations to Walter Kitundu for combining gore and total domination as you ride a northern goshawk that is killing one of your friends. I also like the addition of the bloody arm perch.  You had all of your bases covered on this one. Walter, send me your mailing address so I can get you a copy of the book (sharon at birdchick dot com).

Here are other entries that I wish I could give books to for creativity and well, just making me giggle when I go through my inbox:

Gos Nathaniel GonzalezLifer-Northern-Goshawk Love the addition of Atreyu and Falcore with my favorite bird. Way to appeal to my geek side Nathaniel Gonzales!

Gos Andrew Wallis


Andrew Wallis, I love your idea of being able to control a goshawk...I know some falconers who would like that invented as well.

gos drew 2


Oh Drew Weber, I do so love your commentary on baiting birds with this one.  Excellent and well played.

gos Caitlin Baily


Caitlin Bailey, this was cute.  Though, I worry that if you actually did this with goshawks, they'd fly in all different directions and strangle the man playing the crossword.

Gos Heather

Heather Labore, I like your style...

gos susan ellis

And finally, I present the many faces of goshawk by Susan Ellis...very good.

Thank you to everyone who participated.  You are all creative freaks and I love you!