Fresh back from a vacation in Europe and whoa is my dance card full! If you are looking for a copy of my book or you would like to get your copy autographed, I will be doing all sorts of signings. I was updating my appearances page and checking various websites for what I'm committed to do when I found this which made me shoot coffee through my nose:
Ah, I love my life. Here are some events that are coming up this week:
Curt wanted me to mention that he's scheduled a Birds and Beers at Black Forest 6 pm on Tuesday June 18th, 2013. I'm going to do my best to make it. Hope you can too.
June 20, 2013, 6pm I'll be at Chapter2Books in Hudson, WI for a book signing and ready to answer your bird question. I'm very excited about this because afterwards we will head to Urban Olive and Vine for a Birds and Beers (I've got a lot of birds and beering to do this week).
On June 21, 2013 from 2pm to 4pm I'll be at the Costco Coon Rapids, MN signing books--I'm pretty sure you can buy just one and not a whole case at a time.
And then I'm super excited to be in my neighborhood bookstore Magers and Quinn June 23, 2013, 2pm – 4pm for a book signing and The Raptor Center will be there with one of their birds too! So come check out the live bird! This is a good store for buying bird books…I think most of my Bent series came from here.
There's even more, check my Appearances page--there are some really fun boat trips coming in July and September, please join me if you can!