Cooper's Hawk Attacks Owl Nest

Well, Friday morning turned out to be far more exciting than I anticipated!  I had to work at the park service in the afternoon and evening and I was meeting a friend for a late breakfast.  I thought that since it was warm, I'd peek at the great horned owl nest in my neighborhood and see if the owlets were more visible...

One owlet was easily visible with the naked eye on approach.  Great horned owls do not build their own nests, they take over old squirrel, hawk or heron nests.  They don't even make any renovations before they use it, they just squat.  As the chicks grow, the nests soon shrink.  Between the dwindling nest and the larger chicks, the female no longer fits very well and perches near the chicks.

It appears that the nest contains two owlets!  When I arrived to the general nesting area, I could hear the crows heartily mobbing.  I saw the male fly over with a flock of about 20 crows in tow.  The chicks showed a bit of interest in the commotion but mostly laid low.

The female was very interested in the crow activity as she watched the crows surround the other owl.  What was interesting was that I thought the crows were chasing one owl, I later ran into a fellow birder who was close the crows and he said the crows were after two great horned owls and a third flew in.  I wonder now that as I was watching her keen interest in the crow activity, if she was responding to an intruding great horned owl into her territory rather than the corvids gathering around her mate?

She soon left the nest to try to get a better look at the mobbing crows but still would turn around to keep an eye on her chicks.  It was so strange to me to see a secretive owl perched out in the open in the middle of the morning.  Not long after I took this photo, she bolted off into the middle of the flock of crows.  The owls all went in separate directions and the crows split their murder into 2 smaller groups, diving and cawing at the owls.

With the female away, the young owlets closed their eyes and assumed an upright position.  I wondered if this was all part of a camoflauge instinct?  With the adults going after the crows, it stirred up the surrounding birds.  Robins began giving their alarm calls and then an adult Cooper's hawk flew in.  The hawk missed its intended prey...then suddenly noticed one of the owls and started diving at it and screaming its call.  If you're not familiar with a Cooper's hawk mobbing an owl, let me remind you of the video of the Cooper's hawk mobbing a plastic owl (they never work to scare birds away).

The Cooper's hawk then made a wider pass and went straight for the owl nest, hell bent on mobbing the chicks.  First it bounced off the nest and then started to make a second dive, by that time, the female great horned owl was back on the nest and ready to kick some serious accipiter ass if it tried it again.  I have never seen a great horned move so fast in my entire life.  I've always referred to them as the Sunday drivers of the raptor world...I got schooled--they can move very fast when they need to.  The above photo is on the Cooper's hawk's second attempt at a dive on the nest.  The blur above the nest is the female owl defending her chicks.

The angry Cooper's hawk perched nearby and shrieked out angry, "kek kek kek kek kek keks" at the great horned owl.  I suspect this bird has a nest nearby.

The great horned owl stood at her nest above her chicks and hooted back her retorts after every kek the Cooper's hawk gave her. The owl even barked a few times in warning at the hawk.  It was the weirdest argument I'd ever heard.  As the two continued, a few crows gathered nearby to continue their remarks on the two predators they detested.  Then, out of nowhere, a broad-winged hawk screamed nearby.  Three raptors all at once! An owl, a buteo and an accipiter.

The chicks nestled against the female as if to say, "Yeah, my mom is awesome."

I wondered, how long was this battle going to last?  The suspense was killing me...then I got my answer.  I heard a helicopter coming fast and approaching low.

This was not digiscoped, this helicopter was THAT low.  It was Metropolitan Mosquito Control dropping their corn pellets full of Bti and Methoprene to kill of mosquito larvae.  The helicopter skirted the tops of the trees, the owl, crows and hawk scattered.  The adult female owl apparently thought, "Cooper's hawk, yeah, I can kill that," but when the helicopter appeared her attitude shifted to, "yikes, too big for me kids, you're on your own, see ya!"

After the raptors scattered, pellets rained down and bounced off my body.  I could hear nearby woodpeckers give low warning noises to each other.  Robins were on high alert.

A couple of nearby mallards seemed to dig the pellets and tried to eat them as soon as they hit the water--they were the only birds who seemed to be unaffected by the strange aerial machine.  The city assures me that the pellets are harmless both to me and the wildlife that might consume it.  I was tempted to start running around like Cary Grant in a Hitchcock movie, but it's not so much fun with a spotting scope in tow.

The helicopter made a few more passes and a few moments later, one of the owls flew back with a few pesky crows hot on its tail.

She perched right above my head and the crows still followed.  She looked over to see her chicks were still in the nest and I think scan for the Cooper's hawk.  Most of the crows lost interest, but a few hung around to caw out their angst.  I couldn't stay, I had to get to my breakfast meeting, but things seemed to be settling down and I'm sure she went back to the tree.  After a Cooper's hawk and a helicopter, crows were merely an annoyance.

One of the chicks was scratching itself, but it almost looks like it's trying to give a high five.  Note the large gray feathers in the nest.  Looks like the owls have been eating some pigeon.  And based on an owl pellet that Non Birding Bill near the nest, some other surprising species...but that's for future blog entry...

Podcast #27 Loon Cam & Peregrine Nails a Stake Out Bird

Bird News: Response from Vermillion County, Indiana on why they gave such a low fine for killing an endangered species--essentially killing a bird like that is only a misdemeanor and though a Whooping Crane is valued at over $100,00--who would they pay that too?  AKA  the Hoosier State Law doesn't care about wildlife and Indiana doing a great job of advertising how much they don't want wildlife tourism money.

Let the Governor Mitch Daniels know that this makes you not want to spend any money in his state on tourism and copy Visit Indiana (tourism department) too.  Keep the message respectful, don't call names but just say plainly and clearly something to the effect of:

Dear Governor Daniels,

I spend X amount of $ on birding/wildlife observation /hunting/fishing.  Your state's treatment to kids and adults who shoot an endangered species  on purpose makes me not want to visit your state or spend any money there.  It's a bummer too because I would spend lots of money to see a wild whooping crane as well as many other birds.

You can call or email.

It may not seem much, but it's a start to let Indiana know that the way they treat wildlife--especially an endangered species shared by many states, needs to change.  Again, don't use profanity...although, feel free to listen to a certain Cee Lo song while you write your letter.

In other news, here's an interesting report on how birds with different colors survived after the Chernobyl disaster.

Danger of live cams, sometimes the birds die.  Female eagle on Virginia Eagle Cam killed by plane, eaglets removed from nest.

Live Loon Cam is back on KARE 11

Bird Blogs:

This was more among the birding social media but Picus Blog posted photos to his Facebook page of a white-faced ibis in Massachussettes. They shouldn't be in that part of the US.  Alas, some college students went out to watch the stake out birds and...videoed a peregrine falcon taking out the off course bird.  MUST WATCH footage (if for no other reaction than the audio reaction of the birders):


Bird Event:

Delaware Bird-a-thon.  98% of all proceeds will go directly toward purchasing and enhancing land in Delaware. This land can provide vital migratory habitat for species such as the Red Knot.  If you pledge you get a red know bracelet.

Podcast #27

Cooper's Hawk Nest

Ah, bird festival season is almost upon me.  Next week is the Horicon Marsh Bird Festival...although, every time I mention it to Non Birding Bill, he thinks I'm either going to a horror convention or meeting up with some odd transformers.  But I am so looking forward to birding this part of Wisconsin--it's been too long.  I see friends reporting awesome warblers and sparrows just south of us so I'm eager to see these same species next week. Meanwhile, I'm taking what I can get spring-wise here. Last week, someone on twitter pointed out a hawk nest, possibly a Cooper's hawk not to far from my neck of the woods.  I thought I'd head over and check it out.

This is a very relaxed urban hawk.  This Cooper's hawk has chosen to nest right over a south Minneapolis street.  I always think of these hawks as fairly high strung and desiring quiet, hidden areas.  Not only was this nest placed right over the road, but the hawk itself was perched in an open area.

The male didn't seem to mind my scope on him for a few moments as a digiscoped a few photos.  Usually, Cooper's hawks don't like that.

Even though the nest has been built over the street, once the buds show that once the leaves are out the nest will be well hidden. Cooper's hawks do seem to have a knack for selecting a nest spot that will be covered by leaves.

I noted all the surrounding birds singing on territory in the neighborhood, despite the male perched in the open.  Robins, house finches and cardinals all sang their song.  A downy woodpecker drummed his territory announcement on a nearby branch.  I've often heard people express concern that Cooper's hawks nesting nearby scare away other birds.  Certainly wasn't the case here.

When I worked at the bird store years ago, we had a Cooper's hawk nest nearby and even though the hawks periodically plucked off birds at the feeder (and a day old Canada goose) we had good activity all summer.  I think sometimes people see what they think they should see.

I hope I have time to check this nest through the summer and I hope it does well.

Birds and Beers Rain Plan--Merlins Rest

Well, the weather certainly isn't cooperating for woodcocks this year! I'm not willing to cancel Birds and Beers outright, so let's go ahead and meet at Merlin Rest tonight at 6:30pm instead of a very soggy and muddy Lebanon Hills.

Sorry if this puts a damper on anyone getting a lifer woodcock.



2011 Bee Installation Part 2

This is Kelly McCullough, he came out with us to help hive four more packages of bees on Sunday.  His family kept bees when he was kid and I have to say, he's the first person I've ever seen get almost every single bee out of the travel cage.  I can't remember if it was in the comments or on Twitter, but they wanted to know how the bees got into the travel crate.  They were sucked out by vaccuum and put into the crate with a new queen in a cage.  It's pretty incredible when you think about all the "trauma" these bees have been through.

Happily chugging along with a queen in a hive in sunny California (or Texas or some other warm state).  Suddenly a big sucky beast invades their home, transports them into a darkness and then a cage.  They've lost their queen pheromone, the guiding force they've come to trust and are now in cage with thousands of other bees, suddenly a new queen pheromone works its way to them but they are trapped in a cage with no comb.  They have food, but just carbs, no protein.  Then they are shipped and jostled to colder parts of the country, colder than they have ever experienced in their lives.  A bit more jarring and tossing (akin to a huge earthquake and they are dropped into a mostly empty box.  A sense of duty based on age tells them to evaluate the home, explore the region and build.

Pretty resilient and pretty cool when you think about it and completely understandable that some bees look exhausted when they arrive.

The hiving of the four new packages went fairly well.  It's interesting to me that at this point, I'm happy to fall into naturalist/educator mode for installing bee packages.  I think having done just about all of them since the first year that I enjoy letting anyone else who wants to hive a package a go and be there for moral support and help getting queen cages open.  Lorraine has been there for most but still has some understandable nervousness since she had an unfortunate wasp incident as a kid.  Phobias are hard to conquer, but she still goes for it.  Kelly got a video of her installation and you can view it on YouTube.  It's kind of like watching some odd family therapy.

After all the new bees were installed Non Birding Bill and Kelly helped me check on the Russian bees we hived earlier in the week.  If you recall, there was concern that one of the queens was dead on arrival so Mr. Neil and Lorraine ordered a replacement.  Since that queen would be totally new to the hive, she would have to stay in her cage for a few days for the workers to absorb her pheromone.  Mr. Neil put her in on Thursday to give the workers a chance to get used to her.  Non Birding Bill checked it the next day and said, "She's already out."

That was too soon, I thought bees not used to the new queen could kill her.  But I figured we hope for the best and deal with this later.  When we were checking that hive on Sunday, we immediately found the queen because she's marked with a white dot:

See the reddish large bee in the center with the white dot, that's the queen.  Then NBB said, "Hey, the queen I saw had a much smaller dot.  I gave Kelly this frame to hold while I searched for a second queen on a different frame.

"There she is," NBB said noting the second queen (she's on the right).  We have 2 queens in 1 hive (insert sad trombone here).  Not sure what we're going to do about this.  I was trying to formulate a plan and NBB said, "Don't do anything, let the bees sort it out.  Every time we try to help, we screw them up and the hive fails.  Leave it alone."

Sage advice indeed.

I know there are systems for 2 queen colonies, but that's two well built colonies not two new ones.  If the queens find each other, they will fight to the death.  However, both could die in the fight.  We put the hive back together and I put a frame between the two queens.  Maybe if they survive the next couple of weeks we could try and set up something like this.  I have to admit that if one queen dies, I'll feel bad for getting them in this situation.  Ah beekeeping, you always leave me with more questions than answers.



Random Sapsucker

This yellow-bellied sapsucker was feeding off the wells of sap near our beehives yesterday.  The woodpecker was making the rounds to various tree trunks and I noticed that some yellow-rumped warblers would come down for the sap too.  Remember, people in the northern US, if you see sapsuckers, hummingbirds are possible.  They follow the sapsuckers up during migration, so if you have a sapsucker, put out your hummingbird feeder.


Birdchick Podcast #26 Brewer's Game Hawk & Angry Birds

Birdchick Podcast #26

Are You Seeing Tiny Birds with Yellow Spots?

Today, I had a co-worker ask me, "Is it possible that I saw a bird called a dick-shizzle?" I don't think they were using Snoop Dog speak to talk birds, I think he mean dickcissel.  It is possible to see them, but it's a bit early, but in migration anything can happen.  He said that it had yellow on either side of its chest and yellow on top.  I knew exactly what he saw:

A yellow-rumped warlber. These early arriving warblers have already passed through the southern US but they're hitting Minnesota hard as they work they way north to their breeding grounds.  This is the time of year that I would expect them, but because we've had a cold snap with rain and snow, they are having a challenging time finding food, part of the risk of an early return.  They eat insects, but they are scarce, they'll go for seeds, buds and fruit.  You might even see them flitting around the bird feeder going for suet or sunflower seeds.

This bird has a couple of different names, one is "Butter Butt" because it looks like there's a pat of butter on their rumps, the other is "Myrtle Warbler" because there are two different types of yellow rumps, an eastern version (the Myrtle) and a western version (the Auduobn's).

They're very noticeable as they dart around tree branches and flit around on the ground flashing periodic patches of yellow.  Their call note in flocks almost sounds like a kiss, you may have noticed it while walking around your neighborhood.

Yellow-rumps are the last warblers to leave in the fall and the first to arrive in spring.  These tiny, hardy birds are the warning that all those crazy colored warblers that birders go ga ga for are about to arrive.  Enjoy them while they last.


Birdchick Podcast #25 Indiana Fines Wade Bennett $1 for Killing Whooping Crane

News: SO ANGRY! Indiana screwed up in a big way.  The Hoosier State sent a message that killing an endangered species like a Whooping Crane is only worth $1. Seriously, they fined Wade Bennett and an unnamed minor who killed an endangered species ONE DOLLAR.  Unacceptable.

Osprey chick that hatched after being removed from a salvage crane has died.

Migrating birds escape the worst of the BP Oil Spill, nesting birds could still be affected.

HBO Documentary Saving Pelican 895 covers the BP Oil Spill.


Swarovski Optik wins Great Texas Birding Classic 5 Day.

Baby Porcupine Eating a Banana with Hiccups.


Cornell Lab of Ornithology going for Big Day Record.  Have you ever birded in Texas?  If not, their promo video will make you want to:


Birdchick Podcast #25

Russian Bee Installation

I'm so bummed, I took video of Mr. Neil's first ever bee installation yesterday and I left the video card in my bee suit out at his house.  Gr.  I'll have to get it on Sunday.

We started our first great bee experiment this year.  We're going to have a total of 7 hives:  3 packages of Russian bees (why we're trying Russians) arrived yesterday.  This weekend we'll four more packages of bees: 2 Carniolans and 2 MN Hygienic bees.  For some reason, all of the bee talk got incredibly naughty yesterday--decidedly not safe for work.  I think it had to do with Mr. Neil.  In all the years we've been keeping bees, he's never been home when we do an installation, always off doing writer/movie guy stuff/Doctor Who stuff.

I started by calling him a Bee Virgin and comparing him to girls who claim virginity because they've don't everything but vaginal intercourse (what's up with that anyway). It soon went to telling him not to be nervous about inserting his Russian package (that's big like bull) into the hive for the first time.  Everybody is nervous the first time.  Non Birding Bill frequently asks if I'm 13 years old and I think I am.

Neil did well, he did all three packages--it's only fair since we've done the rest.  I will say that he broke new ground.  No one has ever been stung when we hiving packages, Mr. Neil got stung twice!  He was a brave little toaster though and continued on with no squealing or flailing of limbs.

Here's how you hive a package:

Remove 4 frames from an empty hive and block the entrance with loose leaves and grass (that encourages the bees to spend the night).  We used some of our frames from old hives, some that still had drawn comb, honey and pollen in there to help give them a head start.  We give all of our bees a food pail but that just sugar water.  Some wax foundation and food stores helps them have a head start.  And considering it's April 20 and I woke up to the sound of a snow blower removing last night's snow, I think the bees will appreciate it.

Spray the bees inside the shipping container liberally with sugar water.

Bonk the box so that all the bees hanging on the food tin and queen cage fall to the bottom in a sugar water coated clump.  Use the hive tool to pry open the top of the box.

Remove the queen cage, flick off the outer attendants and put the cage in your pocket (or give it to your personal assistant, Lorraine).

Remove the feeder tin from the bee package and then spray the bees inside again with sugar water.

Shake the bees into the empty hive.  I know I posted this last night, but it makes me larf.

Spread the bees gently like pizza sauce--which they will also do as they explore the hive.

Then take out the queen cage in your pocket and gently pry open the staple holding the screen and release the queen.  Above, the screen is already gone but you can see our queen with her attendants.  She was marked with white spot to make it easier to find her in the hive later this summer.

These Russian queens were a bit different.  Normally, queens are moving fast and sometimes even attempt to fly away when we install bees.  The first queen we put in wouldn't leave the cage, then crawled on Mr. Neil's glove and wouldn't get off, soon causing workers to crawl on to his glove.  It took some gentle nudging to get her onto one of the frames in the hive.  I'm pretty sure it was the cold that caused her to be so slow and sluggish.  The second queen was fast and running around all over--must be a bit more cold weather hardy.  The third queen...well...she looked dead.  Mr. Neil even tried blowing warm air on her to get to her to move in the cold--a little mouth to bee resuscitation.  She still looked dead.  The place we ordered the Russians from is sending us a new queen.  We'll have to do the slow release method with her but I'm hopeful that all will still go well with that hive.

After we installed the queen, we gently replaced the frames we took out at the start, put in the feeder pail and a pollen patty and closed up the hive.  Hopefully, they will get to work drawing out comb and the hive will grow.

The bees are raring to go.  One of the boxes already at the start of a small piece of comb going--I think these Russian bees are going to do great things for us this year.

Something different this time was that our bees came with a few drones--we usually only get workers and a queen.  Drones don't contribute to the hive, they don't build and they really aren't around in the winter.  I think these came from Tennessee so maybe it's been warm enough there to produce drones.

Because of the cold weather, the bees didn't fly around too much.  If they started to fly, they soon landed.  All of us had a good portion of sluggish bees on our suits when we were finished.

So, part one is complete.  Part two comes this weekend.