Birds Impaled By Sticks

Below is actually a repost of a blog post made back on September 25, 2006 (holy cow, how is my blog that old). I wanted to link to it on the Facebook page but because it's on the old blogger platform and it's not letting me grab just that particular blog entry. Screen Shot 2013-08-21 at 2.53.31 PM

I'm reposting it because there's a news story of a young bald eagle that got caught in a tree because it was impaled by a branch as it was learning to fly. You can read about it here or watch a video here. Above is a screen grab of the video that shows you what a dire predicament the eaglet was in--way at the top of a dead cottonwood tree--almost too dangerous to climb.


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We need to give a medal to this guy, Gordon Sasa, an arborist who risked his life to climb the tree and grab the bird.

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Look at Gordon go, getting that eagle!

But birds getting impaled on branches does happen.  I think we don't see it all that often because they die or get scavenged. But this old post from 2006 shows a sharp-shinned that survived impalement.

All the photos below this entry are courtesy of Frank Taylor.

I just got in a weekly banding report from Frank Taylor. In it was a an interesting account of a first year sharp-shinned hawk that had impaled it's wing on a twig. Frank said that it had healed up with a bit of the twig still in the wing!

They didn't try to pull out the twig, just clipped the ends that were close to the wing. The bird seemed to be doing just fine and they didn't want to stress it out with a trip to The Raptor Center down in the Cities. Frank used to be curator of birds at TRC and has been a master falconer for longer than I've been alive. He knows a healthy flight in a bird when he sees it, and with a high strung bird like an accipiter, letting it go gave it a better shot at survival than time in a rehab facility.

The injury was healed, I wonder how long ago it happened? Perhaps when it was learning to fly.

Another fine example of how birds will survive no matter what. It would never occur to this bird that, "Hey, I've got a stick in my wing, I don't feel like hunting and heading south to find food. I'm just going to hunker down and sleep today." Birds just do what has to be done in order to survive. I love that.


Scope Eyepieces For Digiscoping

I haven't thought about scope eyepieces all that much. Swarovski Optik has three different eyepieces you can choose for your scope a 20-60 zoom, a 25-50 zoom and a 30 fixed. For newer people to the blog, those numbers give you an idea of the scope's magnification or of how close the image is brought to you.  A 20-60 eyepiece can bring the bird 20 to 60 times closer (as opposed to your 8x42 binocular which will only bring the image 8 times closer). I've always been a fan of the zooms, because they can make a real difference in ID when that bird is far away (I got a great look at my lifer saker falcon thanks to my scope's ability to go to 60 power when I was in Israel.  I don't digiscope when I zoom in to 60 unless I really, really need to document something because the photo will be crap.  You lose clarity and brightness when you zoom in and the photos aren't worth it unless you are documenting your state's first record of a hooded crane.  When digiscoping, I always keep it on the lowest magnification.

I almost always use my 20-60 eyepiece.  I like having the option of such a wide range of magnification.  The 20 power magnification gives me a fairly wide field of view but it also helps me a bit with the problem of having the bird too close.  My buddy Clay Taylor kept nudging me to play with the 25-50 zoom eyepiece and the other day, I decided to head out to the feeders at Minnesota Valley NWR.  Their feeding station is always active and I figured I could get some good comparison shots.  When I got there, the feeders were bare.  And I saw the reason why before I could complete the sentence, "That's odd."

A sharp-shinned hawk was perched outside and was so darned cooperative, I got all the footage I needed to compare both eyepieces in less than 15 minutes.

So, here we go and I have to say, I was surprised at my results.  All the video and photos were taken using my iPhone 4s.  Here's a video tutorial followed by photo samples:

I was very happy about the lack of vignetting with the 25-50  zoom when taking video!  Here are some photo comparisons of the sharp-shinned hawk without zooming in with the phone.  This is what it looks like as soon as  you train the iPhone to your scope's eyepiece without zooming in with the phone using the 20-60 zoom eyepiece:

There it is at 20 power and you get a full vignette (the black circle framing the image).  That could be edited out in iPhoto or Photoshop or whatever photo app you use to crop images.

Now, here is the same sharpie on the same perch with the 25-50 zoom eyepiece:

There it is at 25 power and with that eyepiece there's less vignetting.  Again vignetting can be cropped out later, but you get a bigger and better image if you zoom in on the iPhone when you take the photo.  And you do that the same way you enlarge images on your phone with your index finger and thumb.

Now, here are images of the same sharpie with the two different eyepieces and zooming in with the phone:

A pretty good image of a sharp-shinned hawk (especially with it being an overcast day).

Not a lot of difference when you zoom in with the iPhone.  If you want to take video, I highly recommend the 25-50 zoom, it will save you a lot of headaches post production of cropping out the vignetting.  But if you only want to do photos, both eyepieces work really well.

And this was all done by hand holding the iPhone up to the scope--no adapter.

When I think back to what bird photography used to be I marvel at the quality of photos I can get with a phone.

Wet-tailed Hawk

In the midst of all the last minute planning for The Big Year Birds and Beers I still have to work and I'm in the middle of 3 different bird surveys.  One is my fall waterfowl surveys in conjunction with the National Park, US Fish and Wildlife, MN DNR and WI DNR and the others are for bird monitoring for private companies.

And it's totally an adventure to fly over thousands of ducks on the Mississippi River, but I do enjoy surveys on the ground, enjoying the autumn air and the last ambient sounds of leaves rustling in the wind.  Almost all of yesterday was perfect.  Most of my survey spots are on the side of the road so if rain comes I can quick duck in.  I have one survey spot that is almost a mile walk from the car on uneven terrain.  It's a lovely walk and very birdy, but I don't mind it.

Even though I do have to wriggle under an electrified fence on my walk there. Just adds a bit of adventure to my work...and as someone mentioned on Twitter, it's also excellent motivation for not eating too much...Non Birding Bill texted that it looked like a storm was approaching.  Normally, it's so quiet out here I can hear a storm when it's still 40 miles away.  I didn't hear anything until a half hour before I was supposed to leave.

On the walk back, I could see the storm moving my way fast.  I hustled to get back to the car...except at the electric fence, I took my time there.  I could see hills disappearing and fading as the rain came closer and closer.  Just as I was putting my scope in my trunk, buckets of rain hit.  I made it just in time!  I drove to my next survey point and the hard and fast rain soon passed.  When it was finished, I noticed a couple of odd shapes.

Closer inspection revealed waterlogged red-tailed hawks.  I saw about three different birds, all in this posture.  If you've ever wondered what birds do after a rain--spread out the wet wings so they can air out the feathers.

Poor wet-tailed hawk!  Drenched feathers have to affect flight and one's ability to hunt.  It's gotta be uncomfortable too.  I wonder if they get frustrated the way humans do when rain hits after they water their yard.  Do hawks think, "Dang it, I just bathed 2 hours ago in that pond and of course it rains!"

Many of the smaller birds took refuge in the remaining corn stalks.  Warblers, sparrows and juncos were all over the leaves after the rain passed.  Above is a winter plumage chipping sparrow.  It kept flipping its wings--I would guess to try and flip off extra water on the feathers.

I have one more day of surveys today and then tonight it's our Birds and Beers and Big Year event.  NBB though not a birder has been a huge help in the last minute preparations.  When we got the Swarovski 10x30 CLs yesterday he posted them so people could see them...and to taunt me a bit.

They are a sweet little pair of binoculars...complete with a Batman-like insignia.


Birdchick Podcast #58: Hurricane Irene, Bird Excitement

Reader feedback from Kevin Collison: "You frequently mention birding groups efforts to attract more birders (members). I have one, tell them to stop being so hard on hunters. Most hunters, like myself, have a love for nature too. I love hunting, birding, and nature photography." Interesting RADAR image from Saturday night of bird migration and Hurricane Irene:


Birders are excited about hurricane birds and all kinds of terns and even a tropic bird have been reported.

A wayward red-tailed hawk got caught in a New York City apartment building and the rescue team tried to lure it out with bread.  Really, guys, bread?  Thanks for the news, Space Doggity.

A specimen collected in the 1960s proves to be an undocumented (and world's smallest) shearwater. It hasn't been seen since, is it extinct or hidden among other shearwaters?  Here's a photo of the Bryan's shearwater specimen.

In less depressing news, there's a common murre nest on the Channel Islands that hatched chicks for the first time in 100 years!  Yay!  See sometimes conservation efforts CAN work.

A contest for musician/bird look alikes.

Birdchick Podcast #58

Birdchick Podcast #43 Vulture Fail

Sorry about all the cockatiel noises in this one.  Kabuki was very put out about our absence over the weekend.  

Remember how the Germans were gonna use turkey vultures to seek out missing dead's not working out so well.  Insert Sad Trombone.

Broken pipeline on the Yellowstone River pumping thousands of gallons of oil in Montana.

Male Swainson's hawk protecting nest is nailing bicyclists in Oregon.

Move over crows, pigeons can recognize faces too...

Swarovski has their Digiscoper of the Year contest open!

Birdchick Podcast #43

Birdchick Podcast #26 Brewer's Game Hawk & Angry Birds

Birdchick Podcast #26

Birdchick Podcast #22 Osprey, Young Birder of the Year, Lake Superior Boat Cap'n

News 1960s Lake Superior boat (and birding) captain has crazy migration stories (must read story).

It's the American Birding Association Young Birder of the Year, Rachel Butek.

Mallard hen lays her eggs outside of a Chik-Fil-A.  Crazy duck or insanely clever camo? In other waterfowl nesting news, a deer protects a female Canada goose incubating eggs in a, I seriously did not make that up.

Franklin Institute Red-tailed Hawk nest (if you get tired of the Decorah Eagle Nest all 3 of those chicks hatched)

American Bird Conservancy commercial on wind farms using a video of a griffon vulture from Crete.

United States college student Edwin Rist charged for stealing rare bird skins from a museum and selling them for fly fishing lures.

Bald eagle tried to fly off with a toy poodle.  (If your pet is under 10 pounds, understand that it has a very important place on the food chain and if you don't want your pet to fill that place, take responsibility and watch it when it's outside).  An eagle getting a small dog or cat is rare, coyotes are a far bigger danger.

I got shade-grown coffee from a Roller Girl (Joan of Dark) in Indiana who runs Strange Brew.


David Sibley talks about the use of digital audio devices in the field.

White wagtail spotted in Michigan, this is a rare bird, an ABA Code 3 rarity!


Horicon Marsh Bird Festival in Wisconsin--I'm going, are you?

Birdchick Podcast #22

Hawk On A Deer Carcass

One of the things that I'm bummed about my current schedule is that I do not have the time to get to Carpenter Nature Center like I used to.  But, Jen Vieth who is the Development Director, keeps me on the email list to let me know what's going on and yesterday, she sent a very cool email. Al Maloney, the Interpretive Naturalist for Carpenter set up a deer carcass with a game camera (kind of like the Wingscapes Cam).  The general goal with the deer carcass in the winter is to get some cool animal prints in the snow to show kids for their Tracks and Trails class.  Jen said that so far mostly fox tracks and oooodles of crow photos at the carcass.  But the game cam caught this cool visitor:

It's a rough-legged hawk!

It's funny, I've never seen many hawks on deer carcasses.  Loads of eagles, crows, ravens, jays, chickadees and downy woodpeckers, but not many hawks.  The only other time I have ever found a hawk on a deer carcass was years ago (before the blog even) up at Sax Zim Bog--and it was a rough-legged hawk.

Random Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged hawk in the snow.  This is a bird being seen in the New Brighton area of the Twin Cities.  I found it hunting an open area along with 2 red-tailed hawks--buteos getting along.  Apparently it's been around awhile.  I see it's sunny today, I may go back out and get some sunny photos.