Glad That's Not My Job

Shuttle team shoos away vultures Bird-strike during liftoff could endanger crew, NASA says

By Marsha Walton
Friday, June 30, 2006; Posted: 10:44 a.m. EDT (14:44 GMT)

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Florida (CNN) --When the shuttle Discovery launched July 26 2005, a turkey buzzard flew into the spacecraft's external tank about three seconds after liftoff. The bird's body fell away from the tank and apparently did no damage.

But NASA took the collision seriously, gathering experts to create a "Bird Abatement Plan" to reduce the risks for future shuttle missions.

On Thursday, NASA contractors began rounding up and securing dozens of vultures. They expect to capture about 150 by launch time. The birds will be released after the launch.

Birdchick Note: I hope the poor person that has to round up the birds got a serious bonus or raise. Vultures vomit when trapped. Bleh, roadkill vomit.

You can read the rest of the story at

Family Fun Night at the Raptor Center

My segment on Showcase Minnesota is about Family Fun Nights going on at The Raptor Center.

Here's the info from TRC:

Family Fun Nights
Thursdays, July 13, July 20, July 27, and August 3, 2006
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
The Raptor Center
1920 Fitch Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota

Come join the fun! Ever wonder what turkey vultures eat? What happens to an injured raptor? What is falconry? Learn all this and more at Family Fun Nights at The Raptor Center. Arrive early to observe raptor feeding time, then take a guided tour of our facility and participate in hands-on learning activities related to eagles, owls, hawks, and falcons. Each night has a different exciting topic!
To register, call 612-624-9753.

July 13: Falcons and Falconry
Learn about the exciting and ancient sport of falconry and its impact on our world today. Meet live hawks and falcons and join specialists from The Raptor Center as they entertain you with falconry stories from years past and discuss current raptor training techniques and critical conservation issues that face today’s birds of prey.

Hey kids! Bring in an original piece of poetry about falcons and/or falconry to win a fantastic Raptor Center prize!

July 20: Wonder and Wizardry of Owls

TRC staff will dispel some of the mysteries about owls: Can they really see in the dark? Turn their heads all the way around? Do they make good mail carriers? Find out more about owls and the species native to Minnesota and meet TRC’s education owls!

Come dressed up as your favorite owl. The best costumes will win a prize from The Raptor Center.

July 27: Eagle Tales

Eagles hold a special place in American Indian culture as well as in the hearts of all Americans. Meet TRC’s resident eagles and listen to a storyteller for the Mdewakanton Indian Community of Mendota share legends and lore about eagles and the mysterious thunderbirds.

Hey kids! Bring in your best drawing/artwork of an eagle to win a super Raptor Center prize!

Cute Overload

Who knew? Disapproving Rabbits showed up on Cute Overload. I would say Cinnamon would be proud, but she disapproves of her disapproval being considered cute.

I'm getting a ton of email so far. My favorites include:

1. Shhhh…I don’t want Cinnamon to hear….

(whispering) How can you unleash such terrifying powers on the world? Have you no conscience? Have you no scru……OH NO!!! She heard me.



2. Uncanny looks. I like your captions. However, since I found you by link at, I'm sort of skeptical of your sanity... Heehee.

3. OMG OMG OMG….I can’t take the bunny disapproval, another fatality……

And I thought I was a good disapprover. Your bunnies are way out of my league, practicing, preparing…..dedicated pros.

Thanks so much for these, and please send more.

Okay, this seriously is my last post, I have to catch my plane. FYI, I just showed the starlings vs a tree from the previous post to the bar at the Indy Airport and they all think it's totally cool. Of course, they aren't drinking water like I am.

One Last Post

This might be the last post for the next 24 - 48 hours. I'm at the Indianapolis Airport waiting for my flight home to Non Birding Bill. I haven't seen him since June 17 and I'm REALLY excited to see him. So, I leave you with a mesmerizing video called Starlings vs a Tree that he sent me. He's knows me so well. Some men send flowers, some men send jewels, my man sends me totally awesome video of starlings from Scott Fraser. He's the best, even if he doesn't bird.

A Different Type of Sprawl

Today was a strange day. When I was a kid my mom and aunts (that my mom--the shorter one and Aunt Lorelei above) would take me to either Brown County State Park or to Polly’s house in Martinsville. Polly and her family had fishing cabins that surrounded a lake near their home and land that stretched for acres. From time to time we would go and spend the weekends in one of those cabins and I had some of my best birding memories there:

I heard my first red-tailed hawk scream over a field behind their horse barn.

After Polly described a bird that wouldn’t stop singing, we went out and I identified my first yellow-breasted chat.

I heard and identified my first field sparrow.

I heard a bird that sounded just like one of the birds on my floppy National Geographic bird records: a broad-winged hawk.

The property was wonderful and full of sorts of things to explore and I loved that field with the chat and the hawks. Polly herself was super cool. She had this gigantic kitchen with huge windows that faced the lake and there were always treats on hand. Polly’s one rule for visiting was that you were always to arrive hungry--she always had homemade donuts, bars, popcorn and the occasional soup. She’s a wonderful cook and I am lucky enough to have a small notebook full of her recipes. Polly is incredibly warm, never meets a stranger and is incredibly beautiful. Her hair turned white by the time she was 18 and she’s incredibly striking with her brown eyes, light completion and soft musical voice. I knew I loved her when the first time I met her, she showed me her barn swallows nesting in her garage. Her husband loved barn swallows and it was a rule that the garage door always stayed open in the summer time so they could use the rafters to nest.

It had always been her family’s dream to build a bigger lake on the property and that lake would cover that field. They finally finished the project last year and the water has almost completely filled in on the lake. It was strange walking around where the field used to be and seeing water covering all the shrubs. Since the water just started to collect from last year, the birds are still in transition from it. Field sparrows sang all around the edges of the lake but I did see a blue grosbeak, which I had never seen on Polly’s property.

We walked around to where the fishing cabins are still standing. No one has stayed in them for years and they have fallen into musty disrepair. Looking at the cabin and down at the dock I suddenly had a flash of all my teenage dreams. I started remembering the odd way I had my life planned out. For some odd reason, I though theater was a logical choice over birds as far as careers went and had decided to be a theater major. I figured that I would reach stardom at an early age and would one day return to this fishing cabin to escape all the pressure and fame. While there I would of course write a prize-winning novel and to find my inner peace and myself.

It was about the times I was formulating that dream that I had begun to notice Polly’s youngest son, Craig. I had met him before when he was a young, skinny country boy but around the time I turned 15, I noticed that he had changed and was chock full of muscles (or was “burly” as my mother would say). To my young mind, he was handsome and exciting (can I tell you how much I loved it when he would take me out on his snow mobile—especially at night?). He loved the outdoors, he had cool parents and some of the best birding property I had laid eyes on at that point. So, of course it seemed natural that when I would retreat to the fishing cabin after attaining stardom that we would fall in love, get married and I would spend the rest of my days on that beautiful property.

Well, that obviously didn’t happen. Craig and I did date and we had absolutely nothing in common except the outdoors and his mom, but we stretched it out as long as we could. I think later my Aunt Lorelei asked each of us separately what happened and we both responded the same way. “Nice, but weird.” He is a sweet guy and I hope he’s found as much happiness as I have. It was just so strange to have all those memories and dreams come flooding back to me as we walked around Polly’s property. I had forgotten about them until today. Ah well, it’s best it didn’t work out; I would not have been on board with whole giant lake plan. The lake is beautiful and it wouldn’t surprise me if they end up getting an eagle or osprey nesting on it one day. They’ve designed an island to go out in the middle, perhaps one day that will house a rookery.

I did have to include a photo of this spot. My mom was seeing some bird in this area pictured above:

Mom: Sharon, there's something on the edge of those trees.

Birdchick: Where?

Mom: See those four trees over there?

Birdchick: What trees? There are 400 there.

Mom: It's on the edge of those brown trees.

Birdchick: What?

Mom: That pile, on the edge.

Birdchick: Which side?

Mom: The edge!

Birdchick: Right or left?

Mom: Left, right above about four trees back on top?

Birdchick: I don't see anything on top.

Mom: Not that high.

Birdchick: Wait, are you talking about those dead leaves that look orange.

Mom: Probably.


Can you see the toads in this photo:

Look close there are in fact two toads. They are so tiny and the ground at a friend's house is overrun with them.

Here is an up close shot of a disapproving teeny toad. Just how teeny is this particular toad?

This teeny! That toad in the second photos is the same one above on my pinky finger!

Mom's House Report

For those who may be interested, the deformed robin that was at my mother’s feeders last month is still around. It’s enjoying a combination of mealworms and this stuff called Bark Butter that I picked up at Wild Birds Unlimited in Carmel. It smells like really good peanut butter and is designed for you to spread on the side of a tree for woodpeckers, chickadees and nuthatches.

On another note, I forgot how many storms hit Indianapolis. Just like the day before I started this trip, the day before I leave Indianapolis there is a hailstorm. This is actually the second round of hail we’ve had this afternoon.

Today I ran into one of the teachers from my high school. We walked into a great little tearoom in Morgantown and there he was at the front table. I recognized him right away, he hadn’t changed a bit, right down to the pencil mustache right above his lip. My high school was huge and I certainly didn’t expect him to remember me, but I did tell him how much his organization skills workshop he gave us as freshmen really made an impression—okay, all you people who have worked for me in the past, stop sniggering—imagine how much worse I would have been without this class.

He did have one tip that has always stayed with me about having a notebook by the bed because some of your best ideas can come at night or you could have had a really cool dream and to just jot it down as soon as you think of it, so you don’t lose it. I use that to this day, not just sleeping but anywhere I am. Anyway, go Mr. Swengel!

Final Thoughts on Vendormart

Apparently there was some partying going on at Vendormart, but since I was staying in at my mother’s I missed it. I found this on the table at Champions at the Mariott Hotel in down town Indianapolis. Next time I go, I’ll have to find that group that likes to go out and blow off a little steam.

Here is a photo of Jim Carpenter, the man that started Wild Birds Unlimited. I remember when the first one opened in Indianapolis. Most kids were taken to Showbiz Pizza Place as a treat when they were a kid, I was taken to this store. Hey, Jim, check out that Birds of Indiana Calendar right behind you. I think that would be a perfect product for you to carry in your store. Okay, that’s the last of the shameless self-promotion for the next week, I swear.

I did see lots of intriguing things and I can’t talk about them yet, because they aren’t quite available, but there is some cool stuff on the horizon this fall for bird feeding. Here are a few hints:

GIANT WIND CHIMES! That is Scott Gunther the owner of Wild Birds Unlimited in Paramus, New Jersey being a size comparison next to a Contrabass Windchime. This particular hand tuned chime is 108” and weighs 100 pounds! That’s not even the biggest chime this company makes. Thanks, Scott, for giving us a sense of scale. You know, if I was still managing a store and ordered this in, I have no idea how I would have displayed this. I don’t think the ceilings were high enough.

Droll Yankees is offering a limited edition plastic tube feeder called Celebrate Life!. This goal is to support and nuture birds all while raising money for Breast Cancer Awareness. To my understanding the feeder will be available in October 2006. Droll Yankees have been a trusted brand for years as far as sturdy tube feeders go and it’s nice to see them leverage their power to not only help birds but raise breast cancer awareness as well.

Okay, this just cracked me up. Birders tend to be a “tree hugging” crowd. I know lots of birders who drive a Prius—Birder Blog is a first thought on that. But here, we have S&K Manufacturing with a big yellow Hummer! I’m sure they needed something for hauling, they had lots of martin houses as well as their fabulous colorful finch feeders.

I love the whole “in your face” theme that carries on the vehicle, right down to this sign on the doors. These are not meek little birders in this vehicle, oh no. I do have to knock them down a couple of points on creativity. Granted, bright yellow is eye grabbing for advertisement and the goldfinches on their feeders mix well, however it’s a Hummer. This vehicle should have been bright green with a red grill—for hummingbirds. Get it? Hummer/hummingbirds? It would have been brilliant.

Okay, this bird bath isn’t really new, but I just love it. I love that red glass color. The company that makes it is Erva and they have been doing some beautiful and economic mealworm/jelly feeders.

I love the orange for those who want to attract orioles. I think the blue is to attract bluebirds, but that’s a popular color for bird feeders right now so it’s perfect for those who want to try and color coordinate their feeders. Of course, there are clear dishes as well for the no frills crowd.

I’ve heard that next year’s Vendormart is in Orlando, Florida at the happiest place on Earth. I can’t wait! Hm, bird storeowners in Disneyland, nothing could possibly go wrong there.

I forgot to mention that I met the naturalist for WBU John Schaust. We must have been separated at birth, we were so simpatico on so many subjects when it comes to passions for birds and nature. We clicked when we started talking about getting people interested in birds. He’s done so much for parks and birds wherever he has gone and WBU is lucky to have him.

Mom and Aunt Lorelei and I tried out some new non-DEET mosquito repellent called Herbal Armor Pump Spray. We used it for about three hours and didn’t get bit by a single mosquito and we were in some mosquito prone areas. It smells of citronella but it doesn’t have that heavy, sticky feeling many repellents have and is made of six essential oils recognized by the EPA as insect repellents. I’ve been looking for something since Ugly Bugly went away, and though this stuff doesn’t seem to last as long as that product did, it is very effective for the time it does last.

Nature Additions

Ack! I've been so busy with Wild Birds Unlimited Vendormart, I found a few photos from Maine that I forgot to include:

Okay, black-backed gull, not that excited for some, but to a land locked Minnesotan, it was cool--cut me some slack you east coasters.

I think Wild Bird on the Fly talked about this a little bit already but I had a great birding moment in Maine at Acadia. We went looking for a king eider and I didn't pay attention and get proper directions and just didn't find the location where it was supposed to be. We ended up on a minimum maintenance road where we could not hear traffic and could hear a lone hermit thrushing singing--that was worth more than a king eider to me on any day. Oh, they sound so magical and not quite of this earth in the woods. I love them.

We also stepped out and must have been close to a junco nest, because a pair of them totally freaked out and started chipping at us. Without thinking I pished and that just made them worse.

Before I knew it, a red-breasted nuthatch got in on the scolding action. Amy had never seen or heard one before and she was really digging that excited nasally yank call. It it pretty darn cool. Although it is hard to take a bird making a sound like that seriously.

On a separate field trip I finally got to see a luna moth live and in person. I had only ever seen parts of wings on the forest floor or in nature centers before this. That was pretty darn nifty. It was sitting at a check in point at Reed's Beach. The bus was very excited and even though we were running late on that trip, we asked our guides if we could stop and take a few photos. They told us to be quick or we wouldn't get any piping plovers. We were and we got the moth and plovers. Sweet. Speaking of which, I just found a really cool luna moth necklace.

Mom Mixin' It Up

So my dear, "sweet" 67 year old mother came out with the gang from Eagle Optics and the folks at Looker Feeders for dinner after working the trade show last night. I thought she would be the model of decorum:

Non Birding Bill had often described Mom as "Sharon Squared". I think the photo above is deceiving, she rarely drinks. I think she just sniffed that from time to time to get a little buzzed. She's four eight and has the tolerance of a flea. She had a great time. She told me that she took a nap so she could stay out with us until the wee hour of 9pm. Two favorite moments of mixin' my mom with my work crowd:

1. Meeting My Publisher, Adventure Publications:

Birdchick: Mom, this is Gerri and Gordon who own Adenture Publications.

Mom: Oh wow, aren't you a handsome man!

Birdchick: Mom, Gerri is Gordon's wife.

Mom: So! I'm sure she knows how lucky she is to be married to such a handsome man!

Birdchick: Mom.

Mom: He's so burly!

2. Meeting My Boss:

Mom: Sharon, thanks for letting me take your Razor out today to watch the eagles, you know that's a really nice binocular. I like it better than the others in your suitcase.

Birdchick: Great, you should tell Dan that.

Mom: Who's Dan?

Birdchick: The guy at the end of the table.

Mom: Why should I tell him?

Birdchick: Because he designed them.

Mom: You mean...?

Birdchick: Yes, he's my boss.

Mom: He is?! I thought he was just an interloper like me, just hanging out to have a good time. I didn't know he was your boss. I thought a guy like that would look all Madison Avenue and have a pin stripe suit!

At this point, poor Dan was engaged in conversation at the other end of the table and my mother leaned across and started waving her hands.

Mom: Dan! Daaaaaan! Yoo Hoo! Dan! Hey, I really like those binoculars. I didn't know you were Sharon's actual boss!

Everyone was very entertained by Mom and at the end of the evening I overheard Dan tell her:
"Now I think I understand Sharon a little better."

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. Oh well, I heart my mom.

I saw these bunnies at the Wild Republic booth. I miss my disapproving rabbit!

This was a surprise, Marie Reed (the pronunciation of Marie rhymes with starry) was at Vendormart. I got her book that she did in conjunction with Lang Elliot, Common Birds and Their Songs for my mom since she was such a good sport to go out with us and let me blog about it. That book is a great gift for someone just getting interested in bird song.