You can pre order a signed copy of Julie Zickefoose’s new book Saving Jemima. I HIGHLY recommend it.
The crazy lengths people will go to try and have the best list…
Four pound dog taken by a gull.
Birdchick Blog
You can pre order a signed copy of Julie Zickefoose’s new book Saving Jemima. I HIGHLY recommend it.
The crazy lengths people will go to try and have the best list…
Four pound dog taken by a gull.
We got to meet Dr. Chuck Tingle this weekend…yes, THAT Chuck Tingle. If you are unaware of who that is then follow this link when you are not at work and not around your kids.
The curious case of Curry Gull!
Drunk guy uses Uber to get a bird to wildlife rehab.
New York Times birding gear guide…that hat is a hard no from Sharon.
We started a Patreon!
The great black hawk that’s been in Maine is in wildlife rehab with frostbite. What will it’s future be?
The American Birding Association Bird of the Year is the red-billed tropicbird. The artwork is by Megan Massa. Follow her on Instagram @MeganDrawsBirds.
The raven and snowy owl video we referenced in the podcast.
The owl drama is intense this month on social media. You can follow the hashtag #owlmasterbaiters on Facebook to following along.
Funny caracara story and terrible caracara movie.
Lawsuit in New York to protect threatened piping plovers from non native feral cats.
Oh hey, it's a great blue heron eating an alligator.
New apps out there including Merlin which will ID your bird photos and Song Sleuth which cam help ID some bird songs.
The American Birding Association is having several contests this year in an effort to get new members and get former members to renew. We are also having a contest for people to join the American Birding Association. If you join the ABA and in the comments on the application say you joined because of Birdchick or Non Birding Bill, then send us the confirmation with your mailing address you could win one of three prizes:
An Advanced Guide to Birding autographed by Kenn Kaufmann (we'll put in a personal message too if you want).
An autographed postcard from Neil Gaiman thanking you for joining the ABA.
An autographed copy of Disapproving Rabbits (Sharon's first book).
Send confirmations to with your preferred prize and mailing address.
Autographs from Kenn Kaufman, Neil Gaiman and us are prizes.
Other things we talked about include the documentary about the Duck Stamp art contest called Million Dollar Duck. We highly recommend it.
PokemonGo players help injured pelican.
Some jerk got a worthwhile fine for killing hawks that were hunting the quail he wanted to kill.
Wilson's warbler subspecies feather study.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology is hiring but you have to move to Ithaca.
I want this job on a remote Irish island.
Support a bird coloring book Indiegogo project.
Once again birds are caught in the 9/11 Tribute in Lights. The video is mesmerizing. Don't worry, the lights were turned off so the birds could move on.
The Washington football team controversy and the colloquial name for the Long-Tailed Duck.
The Vikings Stadium glass protest.
Shaz is in Minnesota Monthly!
Sharon is also a character in Swift Justice: A Bob White Murder Mystery by Jan Dunlap!
Sharon is now on Ello. Does she need to be?
The Dork Tower comic strip inspired by NBB!
More talk about how solar plants can kill birds.
The Winter Finch Forecast of 2014/15. Excitement city.