Birdchick Podcast #250 Ferda

Non Birding Bill and I referenced Letterkenny. Here’s a scene for what the show is like. The guys are tailgating waiting to get in a fight and they argue about how to cook steaks. In season 4 there’s an episode all about “Canada Gooses.”

Speaking of tv shows there’s a great one from Jason Ward called The Birds of North America. And a really shit one from Rolling Stone basically copying Jason’s idea badly. So here is one of Jason’s shows.

Are black vultures really doing this much damage in Kentucky or are they being unfairly persecuted?

And piping plovers are breeding in record numbers in Maine and New York as well as putting a wrench in the plans of music events in Sandy Hook and Chicago.

Birdchick Podcast @250
Sharon Stiteler


Birdchick Podcast #246 Jeremy Messersmith!

The Patreon members said they wanted guests, so we brought on a guest. Our aim is not to have just anyone bird related on as a guest, but someone who can hang. And Jeremy certainly can. We played the game Wingspan before we podcasted.

This is not posed. This is totally Non Birding Bill trying to explain the rules of Wingspan to Jeremy Messersmith.

You should definitely check out Jeremy’s music in your preferred method. We hear him on the radio, especially the Current here in the Twin Cities. Some of our favorite songs include:

Tatooine Be sure to check out the linked video
Let’s Ditch Christmas
Everybody Gets a Kitten

Other topics covered in this podcast include Florida man killed by cassowary. And it was 20 years ago that Fabio slammed his face into a Canada goose.

Birdchick Podcast #246
Sharon Stiteler

Birdchick Podcast #230: Brain Damage and Messy Relationships

Birdchick Podcast #221: Nest Watch, White-throated Sparrows