Birds & Beers Big Year Edition!! Midnight Showing

Breaking NEWS: We have a special Birds and Beers next week!!

The next Birds and Beers is a special screening of The Big Year Movie opening! Showplace Icon is going to offer a special midnight screen Friday morning at MIDNIGHT (so you'll need to plan to stay up late Thursday, October 13! 

Tickets will go on sale Monday, October 10 and we may even have a few surprises to give away at the screening.  I'll be there at about 10:30pm to have a drink and socialize--there's a bar in the Icon below the theater and then carry on the fun above.

Birds and Beers is an informal gathering of birders of all abilities–if you’re interested in birds, you’re invited. You can meet other birders–maybe find a carpool buddy, ask about where to find target birds, share cool research projects you might be working on, ask a bird feeding question, share life lists, share some digiscoping tips, promote your blog–the sky is the limit. It’s low key and it’s fun.

To get updates on when the next Birds and Beers will be, become a fan of Birds and Beers on Facebook and when a new event it planned, you’ll get a notification.  Or check back here.

Have You Ever Pulled A Dick Move When Bird Watching?

[youtube][/youtube] A lot of the clips for the movie The Big Year focus on the main characters faking each other out or just pulling some real dick moves out in the field--purposely making someone sick.  Has anyone ever done that?  Faked out not seeing a bird so someone else wouldn't see it?

I ask because generally I find birders are a pretty friendly lot--even during a competition like The World Series of Birding. Do people do this?  I suppose this would get into the area of ethics, you wouldn't want to flush a bird away to keep someone from seeing it, but you could give really bad direction (or make someone barfy on a pelagic birding trip).

You can keep it anonymous in the comments, I'll check the spam filter.

Birdchick Podcast #68: Eagle Shenanigans & Field Guide or Checklist

Immature bald eagle causes some serious shenanigans at Santa Barbara Zoo.  On a side note, Karen pointed me towards another wild eagle that got flirty with a captive eagle at the Orange County Zoo. Guys who make bird repellents say they can cut down on bird deaths.  Both Flock Buster (here's the ingredients) and Bird Bright ultraviolet paint say they can help.

Steve Dale from Cat Channel tries to extend an olive branch to birders over the whole feral cat issue...all while still getting in a good poke at bird advocates.

Birding is Fun is now a multi-author blog!

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photo 1

I'm very confused.  I love stuff from Princeton University Press, but illustrated field checklists confuse me.  This book is an illustrated checklist of the Birds of North America and Greenland by Norman Arlott.

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photo 2

It looks like a field guide...but it's not.  I like the illustrations but I don't understand it as a checklist. But if you're looking for a book with all the birds in North American (and Greenland) you'll find this book handy.  Although, if it's a checklist, where are the boxes to check?

More Big Year Pictures!

Some pictures of The Big Year Movie has popped up at IMDB.  Who hasn't hoisted their buddy on their shoulders to get a particular bird on their list?

I love this shot--Owen Wilson at High Island! Awesome!  I'm really curious to see if attendance increases in some of the areas featured in the movie.  Wouldn't that be awesome to have a whole crew of people enjoying them...and donating to them?  You can find more photos here.  I wonder if we should start keeping a list of Owen Wilson's various hats in the movie?

Here's another clip:





Birdchick Podcast #67: Hummingbird Smuggling and Other Idiots

This is an old story (about a year ago) but there are photos of some jerk trying to smuggle hummingbirds in his underwear. Blake Richard Riede was a complete idiot and released several permanently injured birds of prey from their enclosures in Florida.  Species released from Boyd Hill Nature Trail Park include red-shouldered hawk, bald eagle and turkey vultures. All but one of the injured birds (a red-shouldered hawk) have been recovered.  You can TRY to watch the YouTube video that incriminated him but it's really long.  You don't see shenanigans happen until at least 10 minutes in and it's totally worse at 30 minutes in.

Ned Brinkley sent an awesome letter on behalf of the tagged whimbrels who were legally shot in Guadeloupe about the importance of these birds to the rest of the world. Maybe Ned's letter (along with several others) will be  step in the right direction to get to set hunting limits during migration.  Go Ned and go ABA!

Praying mantis kills another hummingbird.  It has happened before.


Excellent clip from the Big Year movie--opens October 14!!

New look for the Birdchick blog

Hello all, NBB here. Yes, you're at the right blog! As part of our ongoing cleanup of the Birdchick Blog, we're introducing a new look. Expect to see more improvements and changes in the coming days.

Update: As I mentioned, changes will be coming to the template over the coming days.


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Bison & Lazuli Buntings

For some reason, buntings are a hard bird for me to get.  Both painted buntings and lazuli buntings were always fluttering out of sight just before I would arrive to see one.  A common phrase, "Oh a whole flock just flew past here like five minutes ago." I finally got painted a couple of years ago in Florida but the lazuli seemed intent on pouring salt on my wounds.  When we went to Las Vegas to make bird videos, Non Birding Bill saw one and when he pointed it out, the lazuli bunting flew away and all I saw was a small bird flashing blue.  Gr.

When I was at the Great Salt Lake Bird Festival this past spring, word on the street was that a flock of lazulis were hanging out at feeding station near the barn on Antelope Island State Park.  I consulted Bill Thompson about this and he gave good directions.  I had a tough time finding the exact location of the feeder, it was sort of hidden away in some trees.  There was the above bison pen nearby but the beast was fenced up so I could keep my ungulate phobia in check.  I was getting the old ungulate stare down though.  That's right, bison, I'm just going about my birding business, you stay there.

The feeders were absolutely dead.  There was a sprinkler nearby and some birds were using the water source.  I decided to stake myself out among some bushes, set up my scope and camera and hope for the best.  I figured that this would be another opportunity to NOT see a lazuli and concentrated on the few birds that did come in like the above white-crowned sparrow.  Suddenly, a large flock of pine siskins descended on the feeder and I aimed my digiscoping set up on them.  The feeder was in the shade and it wasn't easy to get photos, but digiscoping passed the time as I waited for a lazuli.

And then magically among the siskins was a lazuli bunting! As soon as I got this shot it took off.  As it flew, I heard chip notes and then the same chip notes from other buntings in the trees above me.  More were around and I'm sure this little migratory flock couldn't resist coming down to this food source.  So I waited.

And in about 10 minutes, a flock of lazuli buntings were on the ground.  It was a challenge getting any photos because the birds were in the shade and my camera didn't want to give me the shutter speed I needed.  So I played around and used the timer.

And I did manage to get some fun shots.  Note the tiny white millet seed on the tip of the beak of this male?  Most birding feeding guides say to not use millet or at least not very much, but colorful buntings are one of the few species of birds that really, really like it and it's worth having a bit in your seed mixes during the spring and fall migration.

As I was living la vie da lazuli, I suddenly heard a heavy "thump, thump, thump" and it sounded like an ungulate in full trot mode right behind me.  I turned around to the sound and discovered...

The bison that was in the first photo of this post was now very much out of the pen and trotting around behind me.  It started trotting right at me, then turned and went the opposite direction.  I tried to take a shot as it headed towards the left of the barn (you know, one of those last known photos they could find in my trampled camera next to my trampled body). The bison pretty much went in the direction I needed to go in order to get back to my car.  I stayed where I was, heart pounding and recalled the video of the woman who got charged by a bison because her idiot brother-in-law threw a stick at it to get his attention. I wouldn't do anything like that, but what if I inadvertently startled it?  I've said it before and I'll say it again--large ungulates make me nervous and I really don't think my Sand People technique of startling cows would work well with a bison. They are unpredictable and it's really just a matter of time until they realize how big they are and stampede the heck out of me.  I went back into the trees to stay out of the bison's line of vision and debated with myself on how to get out with a rogue bison on the loose.  I soon saw one of the Antelope Island rangers and went up to here, "Uh, your bison is on the loose!"

I was also going to ask for a ranger escort back to my car but she said, "Oh yeah, he's fine, it's feeding time."

I was not going to get a ranger escort back to my car. They have signs all over this island that read, "Stay away from bison" and so I found her mellow attitude about the loose animal unnerving but I also realized that I have a larger fear of bison than most and decided to man up and walk myself back to the car.  I didn't encounter that particular animal...but... bison encounter was not over.  Bison roam this island and on the road back to the exit, a small herd was grazing along the side.  I slowed and the bison  decided to cross.  I had to get a shot of how close this one was to the road--see the mirror of my rental car on the right hand side?  I slowly drove past, the bison watched me and I assumed the sort of upright posture most drivers do when passing a police or sheriff's car that says, "No, sir, I'm not speeding, I'm a good citizen."

Small price to pay I guess for finally getting my lifer lazuli bunting.