Podcast #225 Senior Passes and the Border Wall

So...we recorded this over a week ago and forgot to post it. Whoops.

The first half hour is a rant on the Senior Pass price increase for federal parks. If you really want one at the old rate, order it at YourPassNow.com before August 28. 

The second is about the government looking into public and private land to build a wall that will keep no one out of the United States. Without going through due process for Eminent Domain, work has already begun on private property at the National Butterfly Center for a border wall. Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge will also be ripped apart for a useless border wall. 

Birdchick Podcast #225
Sharon Stiteler

Birdchick Podcast #220 Birding Extremadura, Birds Do Weird Stuff

Have you seen Swarovski's new BTX scope? Also, the Cotton Carrier tactical birding harness is no joke and comfortable in the field. 

Are you having a hard day? Check out this bubbler type bath with a buttload of Allen's hummingbirds

Why do turkeys walk around in circles and why do bush stone curlews stare at themselves?

Canada's national bird battle

Migration needs to hit soon because all North American birders are doing is arguing about owls and baiting. 

Good Birders Still Don't Wear White is out and you should buy it!

Birdchick Podcast #220
Sharon Stiteler

Birdchick Podcast #216 Panama, Subarus and Species

Thank you to everyone who became new members of the American Birding Association last year and sited us as a reason. We won the trip to Canopy Tower in Panama! I was there back in 2012 and I've always wanted to go back!

Some Subarus now include an app that directs you to birds reported to eBird. 

The debate goes on over how many species there are in the world

Again if you are looking for other birding podcasts, there are some new ones. Check out the American Birding Podcast and Out There With the Birds

Birdchick Podcast #216
Sharon Stiteler

Birdchick Podcast #180 New Sibley and TMZ Tackles Diversity in Birding

The downside to birding becoming mainstream...it gets covered in a very cringeworthy segment on TMZ.

Guy in trouble for "rescuing" eaglets

There's a Kickstarter for a "Shazam" app for bird id called Warblr, meanwhile we still await the arrival of BirdGenie and I've been playing with something called Twigle.

A revised Sibley is out.

More on ortolans and poaching. Thanks, Craig!

Birdchick Podcast #180
Sharon Stiteler

Birdchick Podcast #171 Owl Whisperer

Have you checked out the web series? You have until the end of the day on June 23, 2014 to send in your guess! Watch all 7 episodes (it's only about an hour and fifteen minutes to watch the whole thing). Sad tale of a Canadian woman who stopped on a highway to help ducklings and ended up causing a fatal crash has been convicted of criminal negligence causing death. She could get a life sentence.

Guy uses a Swiffer to rid his home of a big, scary screech-owl (warning, language).

After 40 minutes of hysterics, it did neither of us good. We finally compromised and I was able to get him (or her) out using a Swiffer. The Owl Whisperer - Swifferer? See part one, "Owl in my House" - http://youtu.be/vxe1WHCjfZE

Birdchick Podcast #171
Sharon Stiteler