Birdchick Podcast #220 Birding Extremadura, Birds Do Weird Stuff

Have you seen Swarovski's new BTX scope? Also, the Cotton Carrier tactical birding harness is no joke and comfortable in the field. 

Are you having a hard day? Check out this bubbler type bath with a buttload of Allen's hummingbirds

Why do turkeys walk around in circles and why do bush stone curlews stare at themselves?

Canada's national bird battle

Migration needs to hit soon because all North American birders are doing is arguing about owls and baiting. 

Good Birders Still Don't Wear White is out and you should buy it!

Birdchick Podcast #220
Sharon Stiteler

FourCast Interview

Man! A lot going on this week!

I flew in from South Texas (aka the land of the above green jay) Monday afternoon and hit the ground limping!  The limp was from the closing party at the Rio Grande Valley Bird Festival...I twisted my knee while singing karaoke--yes, that's right, that's how hard I bring it to fake singing!  Boy you know it's a good vacation when you come home slightly injured.  I think I aggravated the injury I got banding birds in May, or perhaps my body is trying to subtly tell me that my table dancing days are over?

Monday evening I recorded a podcast with one of my fellow Geek A Week cards, Tom Merritt.  He is cohost of a podcast called FourCast.  They have guests on and we discuss future predictions.  First we discuss something that will happen soon, something in about a 100 years and then a bizarro one that could be millions of years away.  You can listen on their site or even watch it on YouTube (it's about 52 minutes long):


It was a fun way to spend an hour.  When I posted on Twitter that I would be doing this, one of my nieces was excited and knew of the podcast, so I was honored to do something she thought was cool.