Quick Update

I have four words:

Pastel Recycled Bird Feeder

It's one of the new items on display here at Bird Watch America and I'm just not sure how I feel about it. They look like sturdy well made feeders, but pastel? Will that weather well? I'm just not a pastel kind of gal, so some may read this and think, "Birdchick, you're crazy, pastel bird feeders are a great idea, I've wanted on for the last five years." My personal jury is still out.

Today was spent catching up with old friends, making new ones and learning about trends in the birding industry. Talking about marketing, merchandising, ivory-billed woodpeckers, avian influenza, a sharp increase in the number of birders between the ages of 16 - 24 and a whole host of other topics. Tomorrow starts the big trade show where we go around booth to booth to see what will be for sale in the next year. I have to admit, I felt a pang. I love looking for new merchandise to carry in the store and alas, I will not be able to buy anything this year...I still can't get over pastel bird feeders. Ah, maybe I'm just old school, perhaps it could be exciting to see a blue jay take a peanut in the shell from a lavender tray feeder.

I do love eating in Atlanta. Where else can you get grits and fried green tomatoes for dinner?

Meanwhile, Brian the fabulous bartender at the Madison Concourse (one of the main reasons to stay at the Governor's Club) sent me this link. If there is such a thing as a past life, I sure hope this is the way that I went:

Early Man Was Eaten By Birds.

For the record, I did get a red-tailed hawk yesterday on the way from the airport to the hotel. Alas, today (and I did try) lack of personal transportation prevented me from getting my daily dose of raptor. Will I give up my quest. I don't think so, I think I shall try to do stretches and see how far I can go. If this was going to be easy cheesy, I wouldn't have started it in the first place.