The Mailing Of The Book

I digiscoped this photo at the Minnesota Valley NWR on Thursday. I forgot to post it. I think it is an incredible photo and my reasons are two fold: 1. It shows a red-bellied woodpecker feeding on an upside down suet feeder (they are used to keep starlings at bay) and 2. you can see a hint of red in the belly area...although the red looks like it's more in the vent area. Someone please officially rename this woodpecker.

Travel on Friday was ill advised by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The Twin Cities metro area didn't have it as bad as Duluth. We got 12 inches of snow in my neck of the woods, up there they got a blizzard with over 20 inches of snow! Friday was meant to be a day of rest, slacking off, and perhaps a little play in the snow. However, we had to get the Disapproving Rabbits book in the mail no matter what.

And luckily for us the post office was still open. Above is Non Birding Bill holding the disk ready to drop it off. It's out of our hands now. I'm happy and excited about it, and feel good about the book, but there is still worry that this is not what Harper Collins is expecting. I think that is just typical nervous knots kind of thing.

After that adventure I was ready to move around and exercise. What better obstacle course could there be than snow covered sidewalks and mounds of plowed snow to climb. To add to the workout, I headed towards the sound of spinning tires. I knew someone would need a push so I would be doing a good deed and getting good strength training at the same time. After three cars, I could feel the burn.

Many people still had not heeded the snow emergency rules and the tow trucks were swarming the neighborhoods like vultures on a thermal. It was interesting to watch the drivers pick and choose vehicles to tow. The first ones to go were the ones that had been parked outside of restaurants and businesses--people who don't live in this part of town and think, "Oh, I can park here for a half hour." The resident cars that are plowed in are the last to be towed. Can't blame the tow drivers, it's a lot of work to get those cars out.

I wandered back home enjoying the quiet and taking in all the bright white. Even though the sun wasn't out, it was still very bright. Lots of snowmen in the neighborhood. This one was my favorite, a nice friendly guy to welcome you home.

I have to end this entry here, the buzzer just went off and that means the wild rice is finished cooking and the barbecue pork is ready to come out of the oven, more later.