Birdchick Podcast #194 Window Strike Controversy...and other stuff

Bay City, MI is one of the top ten drunkest cities in Michigan and you should also check out the Saginaw Bay Birding Trail

An unfortunate ad showed up in some mailboxes in New York. Word on the street is that the owner of the company has since learned this ad was insensitive, the image used was stolen and he's very sorry and will never do it again. 

An unfortunate ad showed up in some mailboxes in New York. Word on the street is that the owner of the company has since learned this ad was insensitive, the image used was stolen and he's very sorry and will never do it again. 

Birdchick Podcast #193 MBS breakdown, Wilson's Warblers and stuff

Birdchick Podcast #192 Horse Porn For President

The title is in reference to an unfortunate post that showed up on a birding Facebook group. Pro tip: if something offensive shows up on a Facebook page, do not comment. If it's a public page, your comments will show up to your friends in your news feed. 

Every bird has a dark side...this week we tell you about the Eleonora's falcon

Migration is nuts right now. BirdCast is a great site to follow. 

This is hilarious

Every Kid In A Park aims to get your kid into federal parks for free. 

Controversial Tuluver rediscovered in South Africa video.

Birdchick Podcast #189 The One Sharon Forgot About

What? We podcasted last week? So we did. On our sunroof with chimney swifts and jets flying over.

I apologize for the sound quality. But because there really isn't much in the way of birding podcasts out there, here you go.

Kites use underwear for nest

Eagle flies off with osprey chick on nest cam

I think we talked about the threat to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act but don't worry, that amendment has already been shut down. But I'm pretty sure I talked about his article


Non Birding Bill Told Me To Try The Hydra App

Non Birding Bill has been raving about a photography app called Hydra. When you click to take a photo the app takes up to 60 images and then merges them into a single high-quality picture. He said it would be great for birding. Heres' what I got:

I think this is supposed to be a hairy woodpecker. 

I think this is supposed to be a hairy woodpecker. 

So, Hydra, great for selfies...not so much for birds who constantly move.  

White-crowned sparrow digiscoped with the camera app that comes with the iPhone 5s and Swarovski ATX 65mm scope.

White-crowned sparrow digiscoped with the camera app that comes with the iPhone 5s and Swarovski ATX 65mm scope.

I thought maybe if I found a bird that was perched and not actively feeding like the above white-crowned sparrow might give me better results. Above is a photo taken with the camera app on the iPhone. Below is Hydra.

White-crowned sparrow digiscoped with Hydra app on iPhone 5s and Swarovski ATX 65mm scope.

White-crowned sparrow digiscoped with Hydra app on iPhone 5s and Swarovski ATX 65mm scope.

Maybe if you are into some surreal photos of birds this might be the app for you.

Dancing Dougal

We have a pet rabbit named Dougal. When he's really happy he hops in all different directions. We call this "popcorning" but the rabbit industry insists on calling it "bunny binkies." I just can't call it that. Regardless, if your rabbit does this, they are happy: